For Cristiano sculpture in particular and art in general represent a melting pot of emotions and are - at the same time - a way to express your inner world and a privileged tool to create a bridge between this world and the rest of humanity, in a continuous act of exchange, dialogue and understanding.
Leave tangible traces of your soul as artist and person making each work a real antenna able to forever transmit its most intrinsic meaning to everyone. Here is the greatest Cristiano desire.
He is not afraid of dying: his fear is wasting life, so … how can we avoid this waste? You have to listen to your life, be able to go towards it and find the most suitable tools to translate its messages. For Cristiano the exception tool has always been the Sculpture in which eternity finds its place and form, giving an infinite dream beyond any geographical and temporal border.
The creative act thus becomes a journey within oneself, an introspective path of eliminating the superfluous and reaching the beating heart of the most authentic and important thinks for the artist.
Cristiano's sculptures speak a language of wonder requiring, in order to be understood, a real act of understanding by others.
Finally, starting from the assumption that each of us has its own specificity so we are all different, we understand how, in the case of the Alviti brothers, the artistic creations are evocative of situations and feelings to investigate and decipher.

Patrizio's works are imbued with an aura of melancholy and secretly cry to the need for man to finally achieve a social freedom that coincides with the freedom of expression.
A strong and decisive passion for all that is life hovers on each canvas. Every creation derives from the careful study of the human movements because, as Patrizio points out, body does not lie and the physical representation therefore echoes the sincere description of feelings.
Shy and introverted, Patrizio spent long years of introspection to observe and study both himself and the external reality, developing not only the sensitivity necessary to recognize the most different moods but also the ability to describe them.
Music, Patrizio's inseparable travel companion, has played and continues to play a fundamental maieutic role in his life and artistic production, being the "instrument" to listen his most intimate sensations, before the artistic creation. The artist likes to call himself an "emotional accumulator", a sponge full of everything that returns, wringing out, all its condensed and mixed content in a few simple traits transforming the canvas into a vortex of passion and yearning.
From the beginning, painting for Patrizio was a spontaneous act of liberation like a shot, an explosion of subjects often materialized in trees, bodies, arms, water, wind, architecture and backs. Some works, instead, are a social journey within different human contexts, with a gaze cast both on Beauty and the way everyone has to deal with it. Watercolor, a dull noise in the silence, is Patrizio's favourite artistic expression, even though he experienced over time other pure materials such as iron, cement and stucco.
"Big dreams need a big heart". And certainly Patrizio has a huge heart to welcome the nuances of existence, reviving them in an artistic form.
More information on: www.patrizioalviti.com